Final Group Project Outline

The final project will be the design and construction of a home page of a website that has a clear focus on a specific subject. The page should target a specific audience from a specific country or region.  This aspect is foundational to the project as the final web page must reflect design elements that are culturally identifiable. In addition, the page must portray universal or global visual design elements in order to also be able to communicate in a culturally diverse manner. Pages should be designed using Adobe Dreamweaver or similar web design software such as the free design software available from WIX. com.  The page must be PC friendly. Plus, the images used must be edited using Photoshop.
You will hand in the project on a CD which will include all the files that were used for your finalized website and related files in clearly named folders. The project is due on your assigned date during the last 2 weeks of the class.

In this project you will show proficiency in the following areas:

1. Usage of typography/font to appropriately convey content within a chosen design style. The typography/font used for the title of the website should reflect the overall design of the page which should also directly address the targeted audience

2. A logo must be included and must be part of the overall design of the page. The main logo should appear in the home page and should be designed, and thus graded as such, by the student that will be graded for the home page. Subsequently, a separate logo must be included in each subpage/tab that is basically a variation of the design of the home page logo and should be designed by the owner/designer of that particular tab, and thus graded for the student designing that particular tab. The logo should reflect the subject and communicate to the targeted audience.

3. Using Photoshop, you will include no less than 2 before and after images which you manipulated using different tools (include both before and after image files in your project files that you submit). The final images (the after images) should appear in your home page and subpages. Very important, one of these images must be an original photo taken with a digital camera and then manipulated in Photoshop. On the day of the project presentation a Word document should be turned in with the before and after images that the student manipulated in the editing software, with a brief explanation as to the tools that were used to achieve the posted images on the web site.

4. There should be an obvious attempt at portraying universal visual cues of design (contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity) in the overall design of the page.

5. Final product will show through individual research and analysis, specific global and regional characteristics inherent in viewed web pages from their assigned countries/regions which served to provide their interpretation of how to visually target their international audience on the specific topic.